Watch Livestreams of Our Services

Watch our streamed services Sundays at 11 a.m. and Tuesdays at 7 p.m. EST. You can also use the Livestream app to view services. Check us out on Facebook Live, and YouTube or watch The Prevailing Word TV Broadcast.

Congregation participating in a worship service.
It's Time to Think Big Pt. I
A Fighting Spirit Pt. II
Vision 101 Pt. VI

Watch The Prevailing Word TV Broadcast

Watch us on your televisions, computers, tablets and mobile devices!


Channel 18

Channel 8

Channel 4


Durham, NC

Chapel Hill, NC

Carrboro, NC






5:30 PM

7:00 AM

7:00 AM

AT&T & U-verse

Durham 97.3, Chapel Hill & Carrboro 97.5


7:00 AM

The Peoples Channel (Spectrum)

Online Store

Our church offers teaching materials including books, CDs and MP3s about the Christian faith!

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